
Marine Assistance Industry Journal


The Marine Assistance Industry Journal    -    Volume II

Gearing Up for Summer...; C-PORT Chairman's Address, by Chris Shaffner

News from C-PORT including:   

  • The US Coast Guard is proposing to amend regulation to fully implement the 1995 STCW Amendments;
  • TSAC (Towing Safety Advisory Committee) spring meeting report; 
  • NASBLA (National Association of State Boating Law Administrators) Enforcement and Training Committee spring meeting continues research into non-emergency towing policies;
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Discharge Permit Extension nears its end;
  • C-PORT announces 2011 Annual Conference dates and location

Why a Charter Agreement is a Good Idea; by featured author, John K. Fulweiler, Esq.

In Memory of  Captain Lee McCune.


C-PORT was founded in 1985 to act as a liaison between the marine assistance industry and public agencies and organizations involved with boating safety, marine assistance, marine salvage and other marine-related operations.  The association was created in part to afford a means of cooperation with the government in matters of national concern; to provide an objective, self-regulating body for the marine assistance industry; and to promote, through legislative, regulatory, and governmental initiatives, the maintenance and expansion of the marine assistance industry.  For more information, contact C-PORT at (954) 261-2012 or visit www.cport.us.  







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